This was a Victorian painting studio complete with plaster busts.
Bill's studio
The camera for the ambrotypes fit right in.
Bill hard at work
Drying an ambrotype.
Exterior view of Bill's studio
It overlooked a hay field. Bill's darkroom was in a loft off a landing by the upper window.
View of side entrance
Inside the turret were the workings of the clock.
Rear view
Our room was where the window under the arch is. How cool is that?!
View from our room
Beyond the garden wall was a hay field then the sea.
Turret view
One morning, I found a spiral stair that seemed to go to nowhere. It let to a little bridge to a tiny ancient door which led to a turret. In it was a trunk full of ledgers about 100 years old.
Fern wall
This fern wall was part of a tumbled down greenhouse.
Contents of ancient garage
This garage was off a crumbling, overgrown, walled kitchen garden that had an enormous monkey puzzle tree (the first I've ever seen) growing in it. It was locked but had hole big enough of a space for me to shove the camera in and take the picture.
The group hangs out
Hopsitalfield rents part of its facility out as an event space. We had a little party there just before we went back home. L - R: Ali Kazim, Bill, me, Kate Owens Daisy Jackson, Nicholas Twist.
The group hangs out
Relaxation time was very important to all of us. It can get pretty loney sequestered in the studio. L - R: Ali Kazim, me, Kate Owens, Tommy Grace, Nicholas Twist, Daisy Jackson.
Stair landing
This landing led to the locked painting galleries. Other resident's rooms and a tv room were off this corridor.
Stone carved greeting
This monk greeted us at the base of the stairs. A remnant of when it was a monastery hospital.
Stair to our room
Our room was at the top of the stair.
Saint holds the key
The keys to the painting galleries are on the finger of the saint. The fire codes mandated they be locked...
Main painting gallery
This gallery was chock full of paintings by artists from the Scottish Academy, as well as many carvings and ornate furniture.
Alabaster sculpture
This sculpture was in the series of locked painting galleries.
Wall carving in painting gallery
The interior was full of paintings, sculpture and wall and ceiling carvings. It's a wonder we got any work done at all there was so much to look at!
Rosewood carved wall sculpture
Every where you turned around there was ART!
Formal dining room
The secret closets were located right where I stood to take this picture.
Secret closet #1- china and crystal
Hidden closets to house china, crystal and silverware flanked the fire place in the dining room. You had to know where they were and where to press on the walls to open them.