Our Lady of Lourdes Church, West Orange, NJ
January - March, 2014
We set up the Msgr Joe Project in the church, inviting all of the congregants, friends and family to say good bye to Msgr. Joe.
Archdiocese of Newark Offices
March, 2014
We set up the Msgr Joe Project at Msgr Joe's former office to minister to his grieving staff.
Bonding over lunch
Marge enjoys lunch, laughs and love with one of the candidates.
Wendy giving out gifts
Giving the candidate a relic.
The team prepares for the handoff
Waiting for the candidates to come.
The Restoration Workshop at work
Sister Catherine, friend of one of the deceased priests, came to tell us all about him to prepare us to talk to the candidates and distribute his effects.
Giving then Deacon Roy a gift
Deacon Roy Regaspi, one of the candidates ministered to us at OLL for a year. We gave him a restored last rite kit as a thank you and expression of our love.
Msgr. Edward Bradley and Jean Kubilis
Jean made Msgr. Ed a crucifix as a gift. He is instrumental to us as pastor, guide, cheerleader and provider of effects to restore and give to the candidates. We love him dearly.