Looking for a safe, supportive environment to develop my work and explore interactive projects I asked Monsignor Joe Petrillo, pastor of my church, Our Lady of Lourdes in West Orange, NJ if I could be its artist in residence. He enthusiastically agreed and allowed me to execute many projects that enriched me and my fellow parishioners. I'll be forever grateful to them for their love, support, enthusiasm and willingness to participate.
I have lectured, given tours of my sacred art, taught classes, assembled "The Restoration Workshop-" a collective of volunteers who restore religious objects and return them into circulation and developed "The Priest Project," perhaps one of the most meaningful and fulfilling interactive projects to date.
Sadly, from January until March 2014, I ran the "Dear Msgr Joe Project" which paid homage and said good-bye to our dear Monsignor Joe, who died suddenly on December 20, 2013.